This distribution consists of the following files:
1. Gatekeeper – system extension (INIT)
2. Gatekeeper Aid - system extension (INIT)
3. Gatekeeper Prefs - Gatekeeper document
4. Gatekeeper Controls - control panel (cdev)
5. Gatekeeper READ ME - TeachText document
6. Gatekeeper Introduction - MacWrite document
7. Gatekeeper Aid Introduction - MacWrite document
8. Gatekeeper Release Notes - TeachText document
9. Gatekeeper Extras READ ME - TeachText document
10. Gatekeeper Privilege Mover - control panel (cdev)
11. Gatekeeper 1.2.1 Privileges.txt - text file
12. Gatekeeper Application - application
If you’ve never used Gatekeeper before, begin by reading “Gatekeeper Introduction.” If you are familiar with previous versions, but not 1.2, note that enough has changed that a glance at “Gatekeeper Introduction” wouldn’t hurt you either – take a look at the installation intstructions, in any case.
The MacWrite documents included in this distribution use the Helvetica, Times and Monaco/Courier fonts, and were setup for a LaserWriter printer. In order to appreciate the reasonably decent job of formatting in those documents, make sure you have those
fonts installed in your System, and select the LaserWriter driver in your Chooser, if that’s convenient. Unfortunately, if you won’t be opening these documents in MacWrite, but will be reading them into some other word processor, the nice formatting will probably go out the window anyway as the page size and page breaks change out from under the document.
Incidentally, Gatekeeper’s Help display will also look a lot better if the Helvetica, Times and Monaco fonts are available.